Is it February 28th?

I've been feeling catatonic lately err my usual self, well at least since c.1995? Not really getting much satisfaction lately…The highlights working backwards: Text messaging a friend in NYC this morning, supposedly five below and she’s reading a history book eating soup alone at Balduccis ha! It’s unlike her to be reading a history book at lunch so I jokingly recommended that she tuck an issue of IBD under her arm (I’ve recommended in the past that she read the daily Leaders and Success article - “A daily biography of a historical political/business/military/sport leader and how they changed the face of their industry…”) She would look so sophisticated and pretty reading on the subway. What else..I realized how fun and comforting cooking shows can be - fried Risotto balls! I slept all day yesterday with C-Span book TV playing in background...In and out of my delirium perfect way to watch C-Span, you simply fall asleep during boring parts! Finally I propped my self-up in the late afternoon to listen to Mr. Harry Belafonte talk - such a sweet sweet man, so comfortable in his own skin, speaking nostalgically of people, friends, books. (Please excuse spelling, grammar etc. written on my Treo). W.
Life Out of Context: Which Includes a Proposal for the Non-Violent Takeover of the House of Representatives
Walter Mosley
Description: The Nation Institute presents "Conversations with the Nation: An Evening with Walter Mosley and Harry Belafonte." Mr. Mosley was interviewed by Mr. Belafonte on his new book "Life Out of Context," in which he urges African Americans to break their ties with the Democratic party and form their own party. Walter Mosley and Harry Belafonte discuss ways to fight poverty, exploitation, injustice and racism.
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