Final closing party for Andrew Krasnow exhibit Oct. 27th 2006 - Mar. 3rd 2007

Yes, finally (just kidding!) the Andrew Krasnow: Of the Flesh exhibit closed last night... October 27th - March 3rd!!!
Lillian Bitkoff Barbeito and Hisao Shinagawa both did a performance...Lillian writhed along the floor and Hisao played some folk counter-culture tunes ; -) A sign of things to come - more experimental dance/performance and music music music...
But also "still more to come" from Andrew Krasnow. We will be holding a series of panel discussions starting at USC this Spring our "NON-SALONS." This is part of the "UGLY FLAG" effort.
Oh and CURRENT TV is coming this Wednesday to interview Andrew and film the exhibit.
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