Raven's Drawing (Video Podcast)

This is a screen shot (detial) of one of Raven's drawings ...
She's in FLORIDA, I miss her, going to art openings will be unbearably boring with out her.
Video Podcast featuring Raven's drawing!!!!
Now (I guess) i'll print her party manifesto....
neat! i'm glad you like what im talking about! i need
support : )
hows flroida? i'm with you: who has the pool? other
then that i've got some Shindigs cooking here too. All
electronic (theres no 60s revival/reinvention scene
here). got some good DJ friends here and its gonna be
Alice in Wonderland Meets Hunter S Thompson meets John
Waters themed. must wear Glitter, must create a
fantasy creature (human/non-human) and create the
costume yourself. glow in the dark bugs, giant
laughing mouths every. Mania! it'll be called 'Freak
Out/Laugh In'. i posted a new picture under my
Broccoli Club photo album. its of me and my friend
ally who seems to be the one with the people skills. i
love people but am shy and nervous and weird. so
she'll secure the venue (hopefully a place called
Peacock Room. multicolored bar/club) and i'll secure
the set-up/music. ELECTROCLASH and 80s
Goth/Alternative!! yay!
More updates, The Shakes are in to play for free
September. and VERY IMPORTANT:
Magic Beach Party. All Girls must wear Bathing suit
and have paint on them. we can do that at the gallery
so its not all weird. and we'll get Kids Paint so it
doesnt damage anything. Whos up for getting a couple
Kiddie Tubs?? Dont Worry! There will be towels! and
the men in their hottest bathing suit gear. we'll
paste/tape Black Hearts on their chests. dont ask why.
Collective members highly encouraged to participate
(but no pressure, and im sure you guys know that
anyways : ) )
> hey!
> i think that sounds good and totallly sounds like a
> great direction to morph shindig into.
> so hows florida treating you ?
> in honor of you im wearing a dress with big loud
> flowers on it and some plastic jewelry. i might even
> play golf.
> actually i'll do that tomorrow. today is too fricken
> hot for clothes.
> who has a pool?
> wrote:
> >i wasnt mad! i'm nutty! its allllll good
> > girl.
> >
> > so yes. Rules, who likes 'em? i know i sure dont!
> > Donations accepted. DIY.
> > Spoke with Nicole of The Love Me Nots (check them
> >
out: http://www.myspace.com/
> > luvmenots). she wants to play The Shindig and i
> told
> > her i'm switching it up. i've noticed
> > that some people are having fun and some just
> arent.
> > you cant make everyone happy but
> > theres no harm in a compromise. i told her i cant
> > pay her but she can treat it like a band
> > practice and make jokes and do whatever. it's all
> > about having a good time. Exposure.
> > Shindig in September will kick off this new way
> i'm
> > wanting to go about it. Karaoke, Pajama
> > Parties, Glitter, Bubble Wrap, Potlucks, B.Y.O.B
> (i
> > think theres a safe way to regulate this),
> > Live Music, Costumes, Themes.
> >
> > playing with my friend band
Dan Electros who runs Club Au Go Go: in
> September
> > at some
> > point when i return. oh ya, i left.
> > anyhow...
> > Shindig will now be a Party only at the Gallery. i
> > think people feel too intimidated when
> > they hear theyre going to a show. hardcore show
> > goers have no problem but theres all
> > sorts of social restrictions that seem to go along
> > with going to a club or seeing a live
> > band. So themed costume Parties with Live Music,
> > activites, cameras, Weirdos...people can
> > let their gaurd down. creative energy will flow
> and
> > something will happen. objective also is
> > attracting the artsy crowd and exposing them to
> good
> > music (well, music that i think is
> > good) and good art. another great thing is theres
> > not as much pressure. if 5 people show
> > up or 100, the ones who showed up had fun and the
> > bands already know what to expect. i
> > never really liked advertising for The Shindig.
> > oh thats right, Nicole. she loves the idea. spoke
> > with william (HI WILLIAM!!! MISS YOU!!) and
> > he digs it too. i know this doesnt pay the rent
> (or
> > me or anyone) but its that whole
> > 'building community' thing.
> > yay! no more bar! no more paying for a stupid bar!
> > fuck em if they cant deal with it.
> >
> > also, if you havent added Shindig as your friend
> on
> > Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/
> > theshindigatadm or if you havent added me:
> > http://www.myspace.com/idigtheoolala
> >
> > anyhow, i'm spacing out more then usual so its my
> >
> >
> > -raven